Welcome to the Westmuir Village Website which aims to keep locals in touch with what is going on and to let the rest of the world know what a beautiful area and charming village we live in. Please let us know if there is anything you would like to see included on the site or about events or activities of local interest and we'll do our best to include them for others to enjoy.

New Craft Group Starting Monday 4 September 2023


This is a new group startup by Lillian McDownie and Christine Cobb who are setting up a Creative craft club in the village hall on Monday afternoons.

More details in the poster above.

Community Woodland

A huge thank you to Alastair Miller who felled a number of leaning trees, partially uprooted during recent storms.

This has improved access to our popular woodland paths and created new habitat for local wildlife to enjoy.

Become a Westmuir Volunteer ~ Click Here to find out How.

WRI Sponsored Walk


Following their annual sponsored walk, Westmuir WRI presented a cheque for £1031 to MacMillan Cancer Support. A great effort for a great organisation ~Well done !

Woodland Work


Some of the Westmuir Volunteers who helped tidy up the Community Woodland. Thanks to all who participated. There is likely to be another session during September, so keep your eyes peeled for another oppoprtunity to get involved.

About Westmuir

Community Woodland

Development Trust Link

Local Walks

Westmuir Activities

Poet's Corner

Local Companies

Westmuir Hall


Council Minutes

Westmuir Hall Association - AGM 2024
Westmuir Hall Association AGM - Thursday 18th June 2024 in Westmuir Village Hall
Kirriemuir Landward West Community Council

Elections for new Community Councillors representing local villages and communities are now complete and regular meetings are taking place.

We are able to report issues and areas of concern to Westmuir for consideration, but as yet we do not have own Westmuir representative at the table.

The KLWCC has its own website which carries further information about the work they do on our behalf as well as the Minutes of their Meetings.

Why not have look here and see what the issues of the day are?

Rural Watch Scotland ~ Scam & Threat Alerts

The objectives of Rural Watch Scotland mirror that of Neighbourhood Watch; to reduce crime and the fear of crime by providing the right information, to the right people, at the right time. You can join the scheme online and receive alerts and advice direct to your phone, text or email.

To join Rural Watch Scotland simply click the green JOIN button at the top of their home page Here. Alternatively why not visit their Latest Alerts page where you can stay informed about the most recently identified scams and threats.

Local Community Policing Area Report

Now that Westmuir has a full representative on Kirriemuir Landward West Community Council, we have access to the latest Local Area Police Reports which are submitted to their meetings as a way of keeping local communities aware of any current areas or issues of concern.

You can Read the July 2022 Report Here.

We already have a link at the bottom of our left column which will take you to KLWCC's own website where you can also read minutes of recent Community Council Meetings

Five Years of Poetry by Eila Webster

EilaX Webster, our resident poet who, 95 years young, like most of us, has been self-isolating during the dreadful global pandemic that is Covid-19. It seemed as good a time as any to give Eila a wee break from the monthly task of penning a topical poem for us, so why not head over to her Poetry Page and read some of the many she has written for us over the years? Just click on the picture link below.

Woodland Tree Works Completed

Grateful thanks from Westmuir Community Development Trust for a difficult job well done by the guys from Gowanbank Tree Services, Forfar: Halim, Duncan and Steven. They removed two groups of severely leaning trees which threatened the footpath junction at the West end of our Woodland Park.

We shall shortly be looking for volunteers to arrange the felled timber into habitat piles for the benefit of bugs and beasties of the Park. The stumps, being willow, will no doubt produce new growth in the future but we now have the opportunity to plant new trees to fill in the huge gap.

It should be noted that it is the policy of the Trust that all felled or fallen timber and brash should remain in the Park and that no one has the right or permission to remove the wood for their own purpose.

Village Flower Tubs
We are delighted to see the installation of two new Flower Tubs in Westmuir. The recent Coffee Morning held on 14 September 2019 raised over £450 which has been allocated between the Renovation of the Hall Kitchen, the Provision of Additional Equipment for the Westmuir Litter Pick Team and the purchase of the New Tubs which will brighten up both the entrances to Westmuir. Angus Council kindly provided and delivered the compost and a small team of volunteers worked hard to locate and fill the tubs which are already planted with Pansies. These are winter hardy and will provide an early show of colour to welcome locals and visitors alike. As well as contributing to the project, Angus Council has removed the bench from the corner of the village car-park and this will be refurbished free of charge before being re-installed. Thanks to Helen, Jim and Mr Mitchell of A.C.

AED Westmuir's Defibrillator is Live AED

Our new defibrillator is now up and running and can be found within the newly restored telephone box outside the village shop. The launch event took place on Friday July 26th and our local community and friends turned out in force to see Westmuir's own Ian Christie, internationally renowned rock garden and alpine specialist, cut the golden ribbon to mark this important addition to the village. Also taking part were Mhairi Anderson, Chair of Westmuir's Tot's Time and Johanna Watson, Vice President of Westmuir's WRI.

The comissioning ceremony was immediately followed by an excellent CPR and Defibrillator Awareness Session attended by about 25 people which was given by Ian Dargie of Training 4 Life Scotland. This has been a superb effort all round by the local community which may one day save a life. Well done Westmuir !

Community Woodland Path ~ Phase 2 Completed

Thanks once again to everyone who contributed to a busy day in the Woodland Park on Saturday 28th October when Phase 2 of the new all weather path was completed by spreading a top layer of whin dust to complete the project, made possible by funding received from 'Paths for All' and Scottish Natural Heritage.

This was a great community effort coordinated by the Westmuir Community Development Trust and thanks are due not only to Jim Millar and Ian Cobb who kept the project on track, but also to all our volunteers who loaded loaders, shovelled & brushed, raked & tidied up and willingly gave up so much time and effort to complete the work so efficiently.

The new path is already well bedded in and being well used.

� Westmuir Community Development Trust ~ 2011-2017

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