This page gives some background historical information about the village and surrounding area. If you have any questions or interesting information about Westmuir in times past or present, please use the Contact Page to let us know. We'd love to hear from you!
Click on these links for a selection of ARCHIVE PHOTOGRAPHS and an interesting HISTORICAL SUMMARY
Westmuir village sits about 2 miles from the centre of Kirriemuir and is surrounded by farmland and woodland. In the days gone by the land was used extensively for growing soft fruit, mainly raspberries. There were at least 8 small privately owned holdings where the fruit was produced in the village and a large farm managed by Smedleys at herdhill. The farmland is now used mainly for cereal crops, potatoes and oilseed rape.
The village first started to develop when land was given as smallholdings to soldiers returning from the Napoleonic Wars. Over time the fortunes of Westmuir have become closely related to the nearby community of Kirriemuir where in the more recent past, employment was found in the textile industry there. The population of westmuir is around 500 and has grown in number over the last thirty years, as has the whole of the Kirriemuir area.
Today most services and facilities are located in Kirriemuir, however the village has a vibrant Shop / Post Office and an active Village Hall Association as well as a number of local groups such as: